CB Sullivan Consulting, LLC


Organizing amidst the holiday chaos

Tips to Get Organized Amidst the Holiday Chaos

Nov 30, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

Each month, I try to focus on a specific area of time management and productivity.  This month is ORGANIZATION.  The problem is, If your schedule is anything like mine, this time of year is FULL.  School semesters and year-end work is wrapping up, concerts / events / parties are on the calendar, not to mention the holiday prep and trying to...
Build Habits that help you Achieve

Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Feb 9, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

Habits are like shortcuts for our brain.  We don't have to really think about what we're doing, we've built habits and can go on auto-pilot for many things we do regularly.  The problem is that habits can be positive AND negative.  Here are a few habits around time management and productivity that can really limit your ability to...
6 Pillars to Increased Productivity

Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Oct 24, 2017 | by Cindy Sullivan

Have you ever felt that despite your work to build a plan, the day slips away from you?  Or, have you taken time to do some goal-setting all to come to year's end and realize that you didn't make any progress on them?  Do you know WHAT you want to be doing but just can't seem to figure out HOW to fit in all you have to do and actually stay...